Change residence purpose

Last update: 27 May 2024

You want to change the residence purpose of your residence permit. For example, because your situation has changed, or because you want a stronger right of residence. Find out when you have to change your residence permit and how to apply for a different residence permit.

Reason to change residence purpose

Your situation has changed

Has your situation changed and you no longer meet the requirements for your current residence permit? Then you must apply for a permit for a different residence purpose. A residence purpose is the reason you are living in the Netherlands. The IND determines whether your meet the requirements for the new residence purpose.

You can find out about the different residence purposes on our website, for example under Family and partner, Work and Study. These are some examples of situations in which you must change your residence permit.

  • You have a residence permit to live with your spouse or registered partner. Your relationship has now ended, for example because you are divorced, and you no longer live together.
  • You have a residence permit to live with your parents, but you are now married yourself or you no longer live with your parents.
  • You have a residence permit for study, but you have stopped your studies or you have graduated.

You want a stronger right of residence

Have you already lived in the Netherlands for some time with a valid residence permit? Then you may be able to apply for a residence permit with a stronger right of residence. These are some examples of situations in which you may be able to change your residence permit.

Extend in time, prevent a residence gap

You should apply for renewal while your residence permit is still valid. In this way you make sure that the residence permits succeed each other and you will not have a residence gap. If you have a residence gap, it will take longer before you can apply for a permanent residence permit or become a Dutch citizen.


To change the purpose of residence, apply for a residence permit for a different purpose of residence. Go to the web page with information on the residence permit for which you want to apply. There you can read all about the requirements, costs and application process.

No MVV needed

Do you have a nationality that usually needs a provisional residence permit (in Dutch: Machtiging tot voorlopig verblijf or MVV)? Then you do not have to apply for a new MVV. You can immediately apply for a different residence permit in the Netherlands. If you have to choose between ‘With MVV’ and ‘Without MVV’ on the page about the other residence permit, then select ‘Without MVV’.