DNA test

Last update: 27 February 2025

You applied for family reunification for a family member. To prove the family relationship, the IND can start a DNA test. 

What is a DNA test?

Each person has unique characteristics. Our DNA contains these characteristics. Parents pass on some of their unique characteristics to their children. This means that children partially have the same DNA as their parents. During DNA testing, an expert compares your DNA with the DNA of your family members. The outcome of the DNA test proves whether you are related. For the DNA test, the IND uses some cheek swab from you and your family members.

Costs DNA test

The DNA test is free.

Appointment DNA sampling

You will receive a letter from us when the IND starts the DNA test. The Dutch embassy or the International Organization for Migration (IOM) will take DNA of your family members. Your family members do not need to make an appointment themselves. You do make an appointment yourself to have DNA taken. You can make this appointment at the IND desk in The Hague. Our letter states how to do this. 

Sampling your DNA at the IND desk

Before the test, an employee will establish your identity using your residence document. You then sign a consent form and give permission for the DNA test.

DNA sampling in steps

Your appointment in The Hague will take approximately 15 minutes. Taking DNA is not painful or harmful. You take your own cheek swab:

Mond spoelen
Step 1. Rinse your mouth with water and swallow. 
U krijgt een sponsje
Step 2. An employee will give you a sponge.
Sponsje onder tong
Step 3. Hold the sponge under your tongue for 10 seconds. 
10 keer langs rechterwang
Step 4. Swipe the sponge along the inside of your right cheek 10 times.
10 keer langs linkerwang
Step 5. Swipe the sponge along the inside of your left cheek 10 times.
Sponsje teruggeven
Step 6. Give the sponge back to the employee. 

Outcome DNA test 

After the appointment, an expert from the Netherlands Forensic Institute (in Dutch: Nederlands Forensisch Instituut or NFI) examines the DNA material. This takes a few weeks. The IND will take the results of the DNA test into account when deciding on your application for family reunification. After 6 months, the NFI destroys the DNA material and your data. 

Countercheck in case of a negative result

Does the DNA test show that you are not related? Then you can have a counter-test done by another laboratory. This is called a countercheck. Only laboratories approved by the Dutch Accreditation Council may carry out DNA relationship tests. You must pay the costs of the countercheck.