Migration Radar
Migration Radar third triannual period 2022
In the third triannual, the total number of first asylum applications submitted in the Netherlands is more than 15,000. This is slightly higher than last year and considerably higher than in previous years.
Migration Radar second triannual period 2022
In the second triannual, the total number of first asylum applications submitted (11,047) increased compared to the previous total (+2,334, +27%). There is a seasonal effect: the number of asylum applications usually increases in the course of the summer.
Migration Radar First triannual period 2022
In the first triannual, the total number of first asylum applications submitted (8,713) decreased compared to the previous total (-5,106, -37%). This is partly due to the spike in evacuation flights from Afghanistan at the end of last year. Due to the economic and humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, these flights have been taking place since August. There is also a seasonal effect: the number of asylum applications usually decreases in the first months of the year.
Migration Radar third triannual period 2021
In the third triannual, the number of first asylum applications submitted (13,819) increased in total compared to both the previous total (+6,509, +89%) and the same period in 2020 (+8,483, +159%). Most applications were made in the month of September. The Septemberpeak is partly due to the evacuation flights from Afghanistan, which have been taking place since August due to the recent economic and humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. After September the number of first asylum applications started to fall, although the number of asylum applications remained higher in the following months than in previous years.
Migration Radar second triannual period 2021
In the second triannual period, the number of first asylum applications submitted (7,310) increased compared to both the previous period (+3,738, +105%) and the same period in 2020 (+3,710, +103%). This increase is mainly due to a sharp increase in the number of applications from Syrians, Turks and Afghans. The increase in the number of asylum applications from Aghans is partly due to the evacuation flights from Afghanistan since the end of August (around 100 applications from evacuees by the end of August). The increase in applications from other nationalities can be explained by the partially relaxed travel restrictions. As a result, asylum seekers can again travel more easily to and within the EU.
Migration Radar first triannual period 2021
In the first triannual period of 2021, 3,582 first asylum applications were submitted in the Netherlands. The number of applications decreased compared to the previous period (-1754, -33%) as well as the same period the previous year (-1,155, -24%). Figure 1.1 shows that the migration flow fell since the previous October and remained relatively stable in this triannual period, fluctuating between 800 and 1,000 applications each month. The fall since October the previous year has to do with the stricter coronavirus measures since that period.
Migration Radar third triannual period 2020
In the third triannual period of 2020, 5,336 first asylum applications were submitted in the Netherlands. This is a decrease compared to the same period the previous year (-2,795, -34%), but an increase compared to the second triannual period (+1,736, +48%). Figure 1.1 shows the influx. It can be seen that the influx increased again since June and stabilised in the autumn at round 1,300 applications per month. The fluctuations during the year were related to the changing coronavirus measures.
Migration Radar second triannual period 2020
In the second triannual period of 2020, 3,612 first asylum applications were submitted in the Netherlands. The number of applications decreased in comparison with both the preceding period (-1,133, - 24%) and the same period last year (-3,554, -50%). Figure 1.1 shows that the influx sharply decreased from March 2020 and increased again from June. It is clear that the number of first asylum applications in T2 still remained below the pre-coronavirus level.
Migration Radar first triannual period 2020
In the first triannual period, a total of 4,760 first asylum applications were submitted. This is less than the previous total (-3,371, -41%) and the same period last year (-2,476, -34%). This decrease can be explained by the border measures as a result of COVID-19. Possible other measure that could explain the decrease are the fact that asylum hearings could not take place, and the placing of asylum seekers in emergency accommodation instead of in COA reception centres.