With this form, you apply for a Dutch residence permit for the purpose of performing international activities in the Netherlands. Your employer is not established in the Netherlands.
Application for a Working Holiday Programme or Working Holiday Scheme. You can only use this online application form when you have the nationality of Australia, Canada or New-Zealand. You do not need DigiD for this application. Do you have the nationality of Argentina, Hong Kong or South Korea? Please go to the Dutch embassy in your country to apply.
You would like to receive documents from your IND file. Or you want information about your personal data under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You can ask for documents or personal data online.
You have an asylum residence permit and you want to bring a family member to the Netherlands. After you have obtained your asylum residence permit, you will have 3 months’ time to apply for an mvv for persons making a journey in connection with family reunion. With this form you apply for an mvv for your spouse, partner or (foster) child. Do you have an asylum residence permit and are you a minor? In that case you cannot apply for an mvv online.
ou can use this form to apply for the document 'art. 50 Withdrawal Agreement: frontier worker'. With this document you can show that you have access to the Netherlands as a frontier worker and you can continue your current activities.