Interview and Decision Staff
This means a job as interview and decision staff
As an interview and decision staff member you process applications by people from all across the world. You can delve into all kinds of countries and cultures and you will learn more about people than you ever could have imagined. Working at the IND also means you have a job with great impact. Your decisions are important, not only for the applicants but also for society as a whole. You are there for people and for the security of our country. That is not always simple. Sometimes you see happy people and sometimes very emotional people. This job is anything but standard – but never boring either, which enables you to continue developing yourself. The latter is something we at the IND consider very important.

Recruitment rounds in 2023
At the Asylum and Protection department, we are continuously searching for professionals for the position of Interview and Decision staff member, for both family reunification and asylum. In 2023, we organise application rounds roughly every other month, in which you can let us know you are interested.
We would like to receive your CV in Dutch, with a cover letter from which it becomes clear why you are intrinsically motivated to have this great position. You can apply for one of the open vacancies and indicate in your cover letter if there is another location that appeals to you as a second choice.
Each application round consists of these steps:
• first your written application will be assessed in the week after closure of the vacancy;
- next, you will have a digital writing assessment in which your analytical skills, writing skills and Dutch language control are assessed. You will receive the result within a week;
- if your assessment is successful, you will have a personal interview with a manager, expert client and a recruiter at an IND location;
- if the outcome of your interview is positive, you will receive an offer within a week, in which we discuss the terms of employment with you. The pay scale is determined based on relevant work experience;
- lastly, we are happy to welcome you into the Basic Asylum Training Programme (in Dutch: Basis Opleiding Asiel or BOA) or Basic Asylum Family Reunification Training Programme (in Dutch: Basis Opleiding Nareis or BON).
Online |
Application deadline |
Selection |
Writing test |
Interviews |
25 July |
14 August |
15 August |
4 September |
13/14/15 September |
Week 41 |
10 October |
23 October |
24 October |
6 November |
15/16/17 November |
Week 50 |
Job as an Interview and Decision staff member, including training
What happens if we hire you? Then the IND will offer you a job that starts with a training and counselling pathway of 9 to 12 months at the BOA (in Utrecht or Zwolle) or 2 months at the BON (at your own location). In this period, we teach you everything you need to develop into an independent interview and decision staff member and you will gradually be given more own responsibility. After this period, you will still be able to continue to learn and develop yourself. We are keen to support you in this because we hope to have a good and long-term working relationship with you.
Information and application
Do you want more information? Or to apply for a job? Then do not hesitate to contact us!
- Send an email to:
A glimpse of the future
Are you curious about your future co-workers and how you can be of consequence to us as an interview and decision staff member? Below are two videos that you can already watch!
- We are the IND: general information about the work of the IND
- Carla, senior interview and decision staff member at the IND: ‘My work is a grey area, in which I have to take black-and-white decisions.’
- Sara, interview and decision staff member at the IND: experience of a staff member (only in Dutch)