Travelling to and from Russia

Last update: 28 May 2022

Travelling between Russia and the Netherlands has become more difficult due to the closure of the airspace. And because of the sanctions against Russia. More information can be obtained from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Russian embassy.

Travelling via another country

There are no direct flights between the Netherlands and Russia. Please see if you can travel via another country, for example the United Arab Emirates or another country. You can find more frequently asked questions about the situation in Russia (in Dutch) on the Netherlands Worldwide website. For example, if you can apply for a short-stay visa or provisional residence permit (mvv) to travel to the Netherlands.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs can be reached day and night on +31 247 247 247.

Help with return to Russia

Are you Russian and would you like help travelling to Russia? Please contact the Russian embassy in The Hague.