The story of Mansour Mansour came to the Netherlands for love Mansour Karboub left his parents' home when he was 12. After many detours, the Moroccan butcher came to the Netherlands in 2004 for love. Today, on Naturalisation Day, he became a Dutch …
The story of Amjad Amjad stayed in an asylum seekers’ centre (AZC). 'On some days it seemed as if the whole world had forgotten me.' He once stayed in an asylum seekers’ centre himself. He now helps companions in misfortune via the Dutch Council for …
The story of Tiaan ‘Never stop chasing your dreams’ Tiaan Burger Fouché (26) is from South Africa and has been working in the Netherlands as an au pair for almost a year. Soon he'll be leaving the Netherlands to start working as an au pair in America. He …
The story of Zelda ‘The Dutch planning culture is rather suffocating’ Zelda Euler is a senior researcher in the field of immunology at Janssen Vaccines and Prevention, a biopharmaceutical company in Leiden. She's doing research on HIV vaccines. Photo of …
The story of Hatice ‘IND brings people together’ Falling in love with someone living abroad often happens. Do you want to start living together in the Netherlands? Then you may have to apply to the IND for a residence permit. Decision staff member Hatice …
The story of Marleen ‘The appreciation of the British made the work enjoyable’ Marleen worked at the IND's Brexit team. On 29 March 2019, Brexit would formally begin. This date was repeatedly postponed. Eventually, Brexit and the work of the IND to that …
The story of Arnold ‘A warm welcome’ Are you making a request for naturalisation? Then you will receive a decision well on time. The IND has halved the processing time and is working hard to implement further improvements. What is it like to work for the …
The story of Nienke Crowning glory of stay If someone is naturalised, it often feels like the crowning glory of their stay. This is celebrated in the naturalisation ceremony. But before that time, local councils, the IND and even the King are involved in …
The story of Ronny Conversion: ‘Religion isn’t always a free choice’ Going to church, reading the bible or saying you’re not religious: in the Netherlands it’s completely normal. But in some countries, you must fear for your life if you adopt another …
The story of Martje ‘I want to care for staff members so that they can care for clients’ The IND recently officially established its own academy. Co-worker and faculty coordinator Martje was involved in its development during the past year and a half. …