Something has changed in your situation or in the situation of your family member and this change may affect your right of residence. On the basis of the obigation to provide information you must report these changes to the IND within 4 weeks. You can submit the changes with this form.
Application to live with a partner: foreign national does not yet have a Dutch residence permit. Does the sponsor have a temporary residence permit? Then you cannot apply online. Please use the written application form to apply for a residence permit to stay with a partner.
Is the sponsor a Dutch national? Then you cannot apply online. Please use the written form for Application for verification against EU law family member of the EU citizen.
Application to live with a partner: foreign national has a Dutch residence permit, but wants to apply for a permit to stay with a spouse, registered or unmarried partner. Does the sponsor have a temporary residence permit? Then you cannot apply online. Please use the written application form to apply for a residence permit to stay with a partner.
Application for a child born in the Netherlands. Do you (the father or mother) have a residence permit as a victim of or witness reporting human trafficking? Then you cannot do the application online. Please use the written application form.
Application to look for a job after study, promotion or scientific research in the Netherlands. You can only use this online application form when you live in the Netherlands with a valid residence permit.
Application for a residence permit humanitarian non-temporary after stay as a family member. Do you have a residence permit as a family member of a holder of a European blue card? Then you cannot use the online application form. Please use the written application form humanitarian non-temporary.
Application for extension for your regular temporary residence permit (type I). Online extension of your residence permit is not always possible. When you cannot extend your permit online, the online application form will inform you of this. In that case, use the written application form for extension for your purpose of stay.
Application for a permanent residence permit or an EU-long term resident permit. You have a regular temporary residence permit (type I). You want to apply for a permanent residence permit (type II) or an EU-long term resident permit (type V).