The IND in figures

The number of applications for residence permits has already been increasing for a longer time. And this is expected to increase even more in the years to come. Moreover this does not make the work of the IND easier. Increasingly more substantiation is needed to decide on a residence application. Notwithstanding that the IND does more than can be expected of the organisation on the basis of the agreed capacity, the number of cases that have been outstanding for a long time is increasing.

Each month the IND publishes a survey of the main current figures and developments.

Monthly figures May 2024

Asylum: First asylum applications 

Asylum first 1a Asylum 1b

First asylum applications In April, the IND made 2,520 decisions on first asylum applications. This is slightly less than forecasted (2,820). The number of applications where the initial procedure has now exceeded fifteen months has further increased to 6,500.

Asylum: Dublin procedure (Track 1)

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Dublin procedure (track 1) In May, the IND made 370 decisions in the Dublin procedure. This is less than in April, and the number of pending applications this month has slightly increased to 2,620. The IND aims to increase the number of decisions throughout 2024 and has designated this year as a transition year, where the organization is trying to keep up with the influx from 2025 to prevent overflow into the general and extended asylum procedure where possible.

Asylum: Safe Country procedure (track 2)

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Safe countries procedure (track 2) There were 70 new applications received. The number of pending applications in the safe countries procedure continues to decrease, from 230 in April to 200 in May. This represents almost a halving of the number of pending applications compared to December.

Asylum: General and extended asylum procedure (track 4)

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General and extended asylum procedure (track 4) There were 2,990 applications received in May. The IND made fewer decisions than planned: 2,780 instead of the planned 3,030. The training that all hearing and decision-making staff have undergone in recent months due to the adjusted work methods is a significant reason for the lower number of decisions taken. The number of pending applications further increased to 47,140.

Asylum: Family members who have joined the asylum seekers later 

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Family reunification In May, the IND made 3,190 more decisions on applications for family or partner reunification. In April, this number was 2,740. The number of new applications remained almost the same at 3,300. The number of pending applications increased to 6,530, with the majority (4,640) being open for less than 3 months.

Family and relatives

family 6a family 6b


Residence permit knowledge and talent

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 Knowledge and talent Permits for knowledge and talent include, among others, knowledge migrants, graduates with a search year, and employees transferred to a European branch of the company. In May, the IND made 1,570 decisions on such applications, slightly less than the previous month. The number of applications also decreased: 1,860 in April and 1,780 in May, nearly 500 lower than in May 2023.


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Study Applications for studying show a peak pattern. In May, the annual peak begins due to the start of the academic year in September. Approximately 15,000 applications are expected in total. In May, there were 3,940 applications received. The IND made decisions on 2,570 of these applications. In April, there were only 140 decisions made.

Migrant workers

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Labor migration The number of decisions on labor migration applications remained almost the same at 600. In April, there were 580 decisions made. This includes permits for employment in paid employment, self-employment/start-ups, cross-border services, and applications under the Dutch-American Friendship Treaty. The number of applications increased from 630 to 730, and the number of pending applications also slightly increased from 1,680 to 1,810.


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Naturalization In May, the IND made more decisions on naturalization applications, increasing from 3,410 to 5,470. The number of naturalization requests decreased from 4,480 in April to 3,750 in May. This led to a decrease in the number of pending applications from 19,170 to 17,460, bringing it back to the level at the beginning of 2024. The naturalization application is submitted to the municipality, reviewed by the IND, and ultimately, Dutch citizenship is granted through the signature of a Royal decree.

Service desk

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Service at counters In May, the IND issued documents to 24,460 appointments at the counter. The first appointment opportunity for collecting the residence document was on average after 5 days. The number of appointments for biometric data collection (fingerprints and photos) remained fairly constant during the first five months, at 15,570 in May. The first available appointment for this was on average after 4 days in May.

More information

Monthly figures