The IND decides on applications submitted by people who are coming to the Netherlands because they want protection. Or because they want to study or work here, or because they want to be with their family. We want to inform applicants…
The IND decides on applications submitted by people who are coming to the Netherlands because they want protection. Or because they want to study or work here, or because they want to be with their family. We want to inform applicants…
The IND decides on applications submitted by people who are coming to the Netherlands because they want protection. Or because they want to study or work here, or because they want to be with their family. We want to inform applicants correctly and…
The IND decides on applications submitted by people who are coming to the Netherlands because they want protection. Or because they want to study or work here, or because they want to be with their family. We want to inform applicants correctly and…
Sometimes, an applicant is in such an awful situation that the person can be eligible for a residence permit because of that situation. In case of such a ‘harrowing situation’, the Managing Director of the IND can still choose to grant a residence…
The IND assesses whether a person who applies for a residence permit in our country is entitled to it. Anyone from outside the EU who would like to settle in the Netherlands can submit such an application. People do this, for example, because they…
If someone applies for residency in the Netherlands, the IND must decide on this application within a certain period. This is the legal decision period. If the IND does not decide within this legal period, we may have to pay a sum of money to the…
The IND is on the alert for risks and threats to national security when assessing applications for residency. For example terrorism. The IND can also take measures that help to protect national security.
Anyone who is not safe in their own country can obtain protection in the Netherlands (asylum). Status holders who have a right to this can build a future in the Netherlands. Sometimes, reunification with family members who have stayed behind is part…
It often happens that children travel to the Netherlands on their own, without their parents. More often than not, these so-called unaccompanied minors (in Dutch: alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdelingen, or AMVs) come to Europe with the help of…