Business Newsletter

Please read the latest news for recognised sponsors 'employment'. We post a new newsletter every 6 weeks. Previous newsletters are available from the archive below. At this time, it is not possible to receive the newsletter by e-mail. 

9 April 2024 edition

Suitable home required when applying for a work permit or GVVA

Are you applying for a work permit (in Dutch: tewerkstellingsvergunning or twv) from the UWV? Or a combined permit for residence and work (in Dutch: gecombineerde vergunning voor verblijf en arbeid or GVVA) from the IND? Then you must provide information about your employee's home in the application. Since 16 February 2024, the UWV has used this information to assess whether there is a suitable home. Is that not the case? Then the application for the work permit or GVVA can be rejected. This is stated in Article 9, first paragraph, under d, of the Foreign Nationals Employment Act (Wav). Download the correct application form for a GVVA from our website. You can no longer use older application forms.

Report changes to your situation in time

Will anything change in your situation as a recognised sponsor? Please report this to the IND within 4 weeks. Read which changes you must report according to the obligation to provide information. And download the written reporting form. Or report your change in the Business Portal. We will notify you when we have processed your report. A change of the administration address falls under the obligation to keep and retain records. You must report this to the IND within 2 weeks.

The obligation to keep and retain records: which documents for a reduced salary criterion for a highly skilled migrant?

Do you rely on the reduced salary criterion when applying for a residence permit for a highly skilled migrant? Then make sure that you have assessed whether the highly skilled migrant is entitled to this. And include the necessary documents in your own records. We previously pointed this out the June 2023 newsletter. As of April this year, it is mandatory to do so. 

As of 1 April 2024, Article 4:35 of the Aliens Regulations states which documents must be included in your records. The documents involved can also be found on our Obligations of a sponsor and recognised sponsor page.